September 2000: Pre-Vows

My beautiful, intelligent, radiant sister Debra Sue Bader married her elegant, urbane, Philadelphian fiance Eric Eisenstein in (you guessed it) Philadelphia, PA, on Labor Day --- actually Sunday, September 3, the day before. Here's the evidence. These pictures cover our flight and the beginning of the wedding ceremony: wedding pictures, chassan's tisch and ketuba, kabbalat panim, and veiling.
Joel, December 28, 2000

Friday, September 1, 2000

Rosie and her luggage We try and try, but Rosie insists on packing all her bags when she travels. Her outfit with the green froggies was a present from her first cousins, once removed, Mike and Meryl.

Strapped in Even though we brought her car seat, even though we paid for an extra seat, even though airlines in America tell you this is the safest way for babies to fly, British Airways did not allow us to use the car seat because it was backward-facing. We will never fly British Airways again.

Oh no!!! Jennifer had to work, of course, during our stay in Philadelphia. Here she is reacting unhappily to a Microsoft bug.

Friday evening and Saturday, September 2, 2000

On Friday we visited a handful of Philadelphia institutions and on Saturday there was a pre-wedding dinner graciously hosted by the Eisensteins. Sorry, no pictures.

Sunday, September 3, 2000

Sunday Morning Our friends Rachel, Steve, and Yaron drove from Riverdale to Philadelphia for a quick visit.

Restaurant Rachel took this picture of us in the restaurant while Steve was parking the car.

After lunch Back in the car after lunch. Rosie and Yaron were holding hands, but I didn't manage to catch it on film.

Noticing the camera Rosie and Yaron heard the shutter.

Group photo of the LA crowd Posing in the door to our hotel room, left to right, Jennifer, Rosie, Rachel, Yaron, and Steve.

Sunday Evening

David and Sara My brother David A Bader and his beautiful wife Sara Gottlieb are posed in front of an appropriate background (they live in New Mexico).

Brother and Sister Here are David and the bride, his twin sister Debra. Most common question: Are you identical twins?

Brother and Sister and Brother Left to right, David, Debra, and Joel. I still fit into my wedding tuxedo! Jennifer tells me not to be too proud since it's only been a year.

David the hairdresser Hairdressing lost a major talent when David majored in EECE instead. He's very proud of Debra's choice of mates: Eric's father was IEEE president at the time of the wedding. You can just see Eric over David's arm.

Brother and Sister and Brother All happy to welcome Eric to the family.

Brother and Brother and Sister and Brother Left to right, Joel, William, Debra, and David. Years of post-graduate education: over 20. Degrees: 1 MS, 3 PhDs, 1 DVM. Glasses: 4 for 4.

Husband and Wife and Photographer The mirror at the far right was to help with the flash.

Mom and Dad and Bride-to-Be Karen, Morris, and Debra. What a huge bouquet!

The Groomsmen Eric is in the middle. Clothing choices for men are much simpler.

All ears Here we are straining to hear something Eric had to say. He's an unusually quiet person and we wanted to catch every word.

Horseplay Debra wanted to ride in on a horse like Lady Godiva. Only David was available to play the horse, and Eric nixed the Godiva aspect.

The Bridesmaids

The Extended Family Notice that Rosie is not looking at the official photographer.

The Tisch and Ketuba Left to right, the two witnesses, the Rabbi, Eric, and Debra. Jewish weddings involve legal obligations. Eric is agreeing to clean up Channuka wax spills and Debra promises not to eat matzo in bed.

Kabbalat Panim Debra, seated on her throne, is welcoming guests at the pre-ceremony reception

Hey Sailor! Dressed in her sailor outfit, Rosie is knocking back another white Russian at the reception.

Veiling Eric has been danced up to Debra and is about to lower the veil. He does it himself to ensure that he doesn't marry a different sibling by mistake --- William, for instance.

What does Debra see? If you remember, please let me know.