The Temporary Apartment

The temporary apartment on rue Moliere was only a few blocks from the Louvre and the Tuilleries. Maggie enjoyed the dog run there.

Here's Rosie being dressed in the temporary apartment.

Rosie on a pillow.

Maggie on a pillow. The apartment service provided the dropcloth for the couch.

No dropcloth for the pillows.

All toes present and accounted for!

Girl's best friend.

The New Apartment

Moving day!

After the bath

The incredible shrinking stroller from Nataly's

The office

The office gremlin. So this is who's been finishing my work for me at night!

A visitor: Jennifer's cousin Valentine

The Verb Series









The Gyminee Series

Learning to Eat

Rice cereals (yes, I mean cereals)

Maggie is hoping for leftovers.

Avocado! As luck would have it, several avocados were rolling around the kitchen.

Do I like this?

I like it!

Preparing for carrots.

Carrots. (Maybe a smile next time.)

Where's the best place to wash up after eating? The kitchen.

Blankets: not edible (although she tries).

Dresses: also not edible

The Sleep Series

I can stay up all night!

I'm not sleepy at all (yawn).

The trick is to sleep in Mommy's bed during the day.

Dog day afternoon.

Dogs are light sleepers.

Lights don't bother her.

Wink wink nudge nudge


The Chateau of Chevreuse

Cafe Ishtar. The owner opened a water pipe to make it sound like a bubbling brook and let me change Rosie's diaper on the back seat of his car.

Le Jardin de Belvedere for a birthday lunch

Taking the metro to the RER on the way to Sardinia.

Rosie on the RER on the way to Charles de Gaulle on the way to Sardinia.

Sardinia! Our Bastille Day vacation with Jennifer's aunt Mindy

Rosie the world-traveler in the airplane back from Sardinia

Rosie in the RER