January 2000: Newly discovered photos

Last year we sent a roll of film to Boston Photo to be developed and transferred to a photo CD. They lost track of the order. Despite our superior organizational skills, we lost track of the order also. Now, it's almost a year later and, with the benefit of hindsight, I've added these pictures to the archive.
Joel, December 25, 2000

NICU Here are Joel and Rosie in the NICU at Stamford Hospital.

Incubator Jennifer is holding Rosie outside her incubator, otherwise known as an isolette. The blinds in the background are for modesty: another mother is nursing her preemie. I think this is the mother who had two toddlers at home. Even without a baby at home, we were having trouble managing all the trips back and forth to the hospital. We didn't know how she did it with little ones who also needed care. She said, "It's easier, the two year old and the three year old are great help! They make the beds, set the table, ..." (Jennifer will correct me on the exact wording).

Karen and Rosie Karen was one of the nurses in the NICU.

The Bader Family Clockwise from top left are Uncle William, Morris, Karen, Joel, Maggie, and Jennifer Bader. The family drove out from Bethlehem to Stamford for a visit while Rosie was still in the hospital. The sliding rocker, a necessity for nursing mothers, was a present from my parents.

The Morning Shift I usually drew the morning shift, stopping by the hospital on my way to work. The refrigerator on the left is for EBM (expressed breast milk). But today is different: it's January 5, 2000, and we're taking Rosie home!!! She had grown from 2 pounds 11 ounces to 4 pounds even and was ready to leave the NICU.

NICU Group Photo Here's a group photo at the change of shifts between the night staff and the morning staff. The nurse on the bottom left was usually on the night shift and I usually saw her at the start and end of her shift.

The Car Seat In the US, you can't take your baby home from the hospital without a properly fitted car seat. We even needed a preemie headrest.

More Nurses Have I mentioned how great the nurses were? We had a 5 week NICU stay, much longer than the typical visit.

Group Photo Rosie is hidden under her newborn-size bunting (a cross between a parka and a spacesuit). It was not easy finding clothes to fit her! Even with clothing lines designed for preemies, such as Little Me (one of the best!), Rosie was at the small end of the range. We found some stupidities in preemie clothing, for example the clothes sized for 6 pound babies and labeled "Not for sleepwear" --- what do they think preemies do??? Our friends Mike and Tamar gave us a great book called Baby Bargains that helped us decide what we needed. But even with 5 weeks advanced warning, we weren't entirely ready. We had no idea that they would send a baby home at 4 pounds.

Walking Out You can just see the lettering on the Stamford Hospital sign. This is the lobby. The Stamford Hospital has free valet parking! After 5 weeks, we were very friendly with the parkers.

First Car Ride Here is Rosie being strapped in for the first time, not that you can see her under the bunting, with a second bunting enclosing the car seat. When I drove, Jennifer would usually sit in the back with Rosie to check on her breathing (not that there were ever any problems).

First Shabbat at home For once, we were ready for candle lighting in time to set up the timer on the camera.

New Dad OK, so I wasn't the most natural in holding a baby. But you try to hold a 4-pounder! I'm much better now. On the left is our ketuba. In case you can't make out the date, Rosie was born 11 months after our wedding.

Basinette Our recommendation now: don't buy a basinette. Rosie was happier sleeping in her car seat.

Channuka See Joel's Channuka presents: baby on the left, videocamera on the right. I'm much closer to figuring out how babies work.

Basinette again

Crossword Rosie is learning how to do the crossword puzzle! Notice the excellent paint job? We repainted when we moved into our landlord-neglected rental.

Le Point I would buy Le Point at the Borders in Stamford to try to learn to read French. Although Rosie appears to be smiling at me, she's actually flirting with the blue wall.

Shabbat again Wow, two weeks in a row! We'll have to start doing this again. Jennifer was not pleased: "Stop calling Rosie and Maggie sisters!" Yes, we sometimes call the wrong name by mistake. Technical note: you can see the reflected flashbulb in the window. I am working on this.