August 2000 B

These pictures feature Rosie and Jennifer, mostly in bed. Not that they spend all their time there!
Joel, December 25, 2000

Asleep At least one of us is asleep.


Awake and tugging on her ear. The ears are from my side.

The Crib Not that we get much use of the crib.

Asleep Rosie is asleep in bed; I don't always remember to turn on the flash, or maybe I didn't want it to wake her. See later on how these underexposures can be fixed.

Asleep Do you detect a pattern of who is sleeping? The picture is fuzzy because my subjects were moving.

Bunny Rosie is holding her favorite bunny.
Bunny again You can see the bunny in the background.

More bunny There the bunny is again! Rosie is not a good crawler yet.

Crawling attempt Her attempts at crawling usually end with her face flat against the floor, crying. Preemies often take longer to crawl. A specialist told us that if she doesn't crawl on time, it's our fault for picking her up when she cries.

Rosie's room Here is Rosie in her stroller, next to her crib, in her room. We haven't used the stroller because a wheel is broken; at night, she doesn't sleep in the crib; her room is used primarily as a changing station. But we do get some use out of the baby! For example, we get to board first when we fly.

The automated exposure control was confused by the backlighting. Yes, I knew this would happen when I took the picture, but I've been too lazy to learn how to work the manual override. This is high on my priority list for the N70. That and blowing dust off the lens (look for it in the final pictures).

Rosie loves the camera!

Rosie knows when we're taking pictures.

Startled Here Rosie is startled by the click of the shutter.

Aware Now she's posing for a picture! Not a demure angle.

Posing She's trying out a better camera angle.

The Crib

Notice that she's not asleep. Also, see how she's looking right into the camera!

Side A side view of the crib.

Crib-cam The crib cam catches a rare moment: Rosie using a pacifier. And a glaring failure of my resolve about too much pink.


Rosie loves books!

Send books! More books! Rosie chews her way right through them. This one, The Luneberg Variation, was a present to Jennifer from her father. After Rosie saw both of us finish it, she wanted it next.



got it! Now that she's digested this book, she's hungry for the next.

Backlighting It's a total accident that this picture came out despite the backlighting. I'll have to go back to the N70 manual to learn how to take backlit pictures routinely.

The guest bed Here's Rosie on the guest bed, next to her crib. In Bader family tradition she prefers her pants to be up at her armpits.

Completing the outfit And notice ... the outfit is blue! Not pink!

Buttoned up Rosie is staring down the camera.

The Family Bed

Rosie, asleep in the family bed The b/w isn't (just) for artistic effect. I didn't use the flash because I didn't want to wake her. The picture was underexposed, the colors look bad, but the b/w image is nice

Restless sleeper See how she's kicked off the covers! Same reason for the b/w.