MB620 Bioinformatics
University of New Haven
Instructor: Joel S. Bader
Class 3: HTML Basics


This week we start to look into the info in bioinformatics: HTML and cgi's.
We'll have the following goals:

If you want to learn more, the following are good sources:

History of the Internet


Hello World


Content Tags

More Text Markup Tags

Formatted Lists





Hyperlinks with Relative Addresses


So you don't have email?

How to borrow gracefully

Homework from Class 3 due on April 27, 1999

Your assignment is to make your own homepage.

Here is the process for adding an image:

  1. Get an image you like.
  2. Go to tripod, log in, and go to the file manager.
  3. Upload the image into your directory. I, for example, have loaded the image pig-racing.jpg into my directory.
  4. Edit your homepage adding an IMG tag as follows:
    <IMG SRC="pig-racing.jpg">
  5. Be sure to cite the source of your image!

Copyright 1999 Joel S. Bader jsbader@curagen.com